
"There you go sir" the store employee informed and passes me a bag of goods; water bottle, snacks and a hangover drink.

After exiting the club, I could barely managed Siya to get her sit in the car because once I settled her down, she unlocks the door and tried to run off; she did it almost three times in a row. At last i settled her down by threatening her a little.

Afterwards I thought I'd take her to my penthouse but ain't no way I'm gonna control myself tonight. And the fault goes to her red-fucking-dress and my lack of control over her in red colour.

So I just drive off to the highway and stops nearby a park; it's a huge park with a huge fountain which was covered with tall bushes from all around. I came here often, it has a relaxing atmosphere all around with friendly people and also a snack store; in which I'm currently in.

"Thank you" I said, forwarding the money to the cashier. Taking the bag, I walked out of the store and swinging the bag in my hand, I starts to walk towards the parking.

It's past 11 now, so there are just few people who were roaming in the park; old couples and some children's who were playing in the playground area.

On the other side siya was sitting in the car; I locked her in. Because if she gets out of the car, she will create a mess.

Still there's a slight smile on my lips as I remember our kiss. I swing the bag a little higher as I was close to the parking lot but my smile vanished as I saw inside my car. My hands stops in the middle of air and adrenaline rushed through me.

Siya isn't sitting in her place.

I rushed towards my car, opening the drivers seat door, I looked at the back of the seat. She's not here. Closing the door with a loud thud, I starts to runs towards the park. Taking my phone out I dialled her number but she doesn't even bother to answer it.

"Siya!" I shout in case she heard me; gets no response. Again I shouts a little higher this time, yet no response.

I starts to pant as I was out of breath now, it's been 10 minutes since I'm running. Looking everywhere for her, but she was nowhere to be found now.

For gods sake, why did i choose this huge park. My hands falls on my knees and I inhale a deep breath, the sound of my heartbeat starts to get clear and my eyes get blur.

Suddenly a voice came and my head turns within a few seconds, it came from the playground area. I rushed towards the playground; it has a metal gate in front of it and inside the playground there are numerous types of slides and other rides.

Crossing the gate, I entered the playground area. Roaming my eyes everywhere, at last they got  stuck on the figure who was talking to a little girl now. A sense of relief washes over me as I saw her safe.

This girl!

she was still wearing my blazer, holding it with both of her hands. Her back was facing me as she was sitting on the swing. Slowly I approached her, my movements were silent and my hands were on my back holding the bag of goods tightly.

"Do I look bad in red colour?" A silent chuckle escapes from my mouth as I hear her, she asked this to the little girl; who was standing in front of her.

Sensing my movement that girl lifts her eyes and saw me, placing my index finger on my lips, i hush her; telling her to stay quiet. In response she gave me a small nod with a smile.

A gasp erupts from Siya's mouth and she placed her palms over her mouth; she's still drunk.

"So, I do" she murmured in low voice and her head falls down while her hands rests on her lap. Again I suppressed my laugh because she thought that the girl nods at her question.

I tried to make no noise as I walks through the pebbles and stands just behind Siya, she doesn't seem to notice me till now.

"No you didn't look bad in red" the girl answered quickly with a frown on her face. she steps closer to Siya and held her hands, pulling her little closer she whispered something in her ear, which makes her giggle for few moments and then her giggles disappears at next moment.

I tried to listen while holding the both chains of the swing; on which Siya was sitting. I leaned closer to Siya's head but then that little girl runs away while laughing at me, making me to look up.

Moving my gaze from that girl to Siya, I again leaned; she mumbled something then suddenly turned her head up.

Her eyes meets mines, I smiled and place a tender kiss on her forehead "found you" I whispered against her forehead.

Her hold on the blazer loosens and her eyes go wide. With an instant jolt she stood up and tries to run but my left hand was fast enough to hold her waist and pulls her back. Her soft back touches my hard chest and my mouth hovers her right ear.

"No more running, Siya" I whispered in a low voice, which sure send shivers to her skin as she shivered a little.

she struggles under my hold, placing her hands on my left arm she pushed it. But it only makes my hold tightened even more on her waist.

"Okay no more running, now leave me" she muttered and drops her hands. I smiled at her and removes my hold on her.

She sits on the swing and holds my blazer as the cold winds passes by. I walked to her front and bend down on my knees. placing the bag on the ground, I buttoned up the blazer and stood up while taking the bag.

I offered my hand to which at first she glanced and then takes it. I guide her to walk; she kept stumbling around, so I hold her arm and take her to the nearest bench around the fountain.

As we sit down, I pulled out the water bottle and opens its cap and then slides it towards her. Her eyes snapped between mine and the bottle, she took it and drank it.

"So how many drinks you drink?" I queried; as she was still drunk. I do saw her drinking wine at the hall but after those ladies drags her out I didn't know how much she drank at that time.

"Don't remember" She murmured under her tone; soft and low. Her heads falls down and her fingers starts to play with the hem of the blazers sleeves.

This adorable kitten.

"That girl said that" she said but stops, her right hands index finger traces her ring which was On her left hand. I held her chin softly and lifts her face "that?" I asked wanted to finish what she has to say.

Her eyes filled with some shiny tears as she answered me in a low voice "that my husband doesn't love be-because he's hiding from me" her hiccup interrupts her "but I don't have a husband" she added and shed some tears.

I laughed at her cute behaviour and shakes my head in denial "and you believed that?" I asked controlling my laugh.

Oh this girl.

"But it's true that I don't have a husband and you also said I didn't look good in red" she snapped and pulls her ring out of her finger, placing it between her fist and she glared at me.

"I never said that you didn't look good in red, Siya." I said more like whispered to her. Pointing her finger on me she questioned "but you told me to not wear red" her finger digs in my chest.

I take my hand to towards her wrist and softly held it "it's because seeing you in red makes me do crazy things" I answered and gave her an assured smile.

"Okay, but I want a husband" she murmured and held my hand in between hers, tracing my veins she again murmured

"do you want to marry me?" And hearing this makes me choke on air, I stared to cough hardly. Seeing my reaction she hurriedly opens the water bottle cap and offered me. I took the water bottle and chugs the whole water in one go.

God can you stop her mood swings?

"W-what?" I asked, because I can't trust what I just heard. And in response she repeated it again while holding my hand. My heartbeat starts to race up rapidly as I saw her looking at me with so much hope in her eyes.

"You don't want to?" She queried and the hope in her eyes died slowly, her hands slowly drifts away from mines but I held her hands instantly but her eyes were now glued to the ground.

Rubbing my face with my free hand, I turned fully towards her and asked "you really want to?" Her eyes lifts and she smiles with an aggressive nod. I smiled at her reaction and held her face with my both hands.

"Okay but for now let's go home okay" I asked. Shaking her head, she released herself from my hold and shows me her ring; which she was playing with earlier.

"First wear my ring, I want commitment" she said and laughed. Who knows drunken Siya could say these words.

Holding her both hands I pulls her towards me, her forehead touches mines and our eyes were locked to each other, our lips were inches apart and then

"You don't need a commitment from me jaan, I am already yours" I whispered against her mouth "but if you want I can wear it" I added and she instantly draws her head back, giggling at my words she holds my left hand and tries to put her ring on my ring finger; her ring was way to smaller for my finger.

"You sure it will fit?" I teased her while chuckling. She lifts her face and glares at me.

"Aise kaise nhi hogi fit" she challenged as tries harder this time, but failed miserably. Giving me a defeated look she huffs and leaned back on the bench. Smiling at her, I took the ring from her hand and gently puts it on my smallest finger.

"See, it fits" i said while showing her my hand. She smiles and held my hand, suddenly she placed a soft kiss on the ring; her lips brushes on my skin.

"I want a photo now" she requests me with a pleading face; showing her hazel-brown doe eyes, small red nose and a cute little pout.

I nod at her and pulls out my phone from my pocket that's when I heard some whispering around me. I turned around to look but nobody was there; the voice came from our behind, where the huge and tall bushes were planted and it also blocks our view.

'Shh.. they'll listen us ' an old-manly voice came from the other side 'are they doing it in the park?' Again a voice came but this time it was a female's voice.

What are they talking about? What are we doing? My mind plays a replay of our talk and then it clicks me. How bad our conversation were sounds right now.


"Look, the ring has fitted Siya. You want a photo? Let's take one" I said, ignoring how Siya was already taking photos of our hands; showing her ring on my finger and some selfies also. Meanwhile I rise my voice enough to clear their dirty minds.

"Done!" She exclaimed and rose from the bench. Without wasting anytime I drag Siya with me towards the parking; while she kept looking at the photos she took, her face was glued to the phone as she didn't even notice when we reach the parking.

I made her sit on the passenger seat and closed the door, circling around the car I also settled down and starts the engine. Glancing at the last time towards Siya, I drove off the parking area veering towards her house.

I already know where she lives; not that I'm some kind of stalker. It's about that time when I first saw her, I didn't know but I just followed her that day.

Like a lost lovesick person.

Soon after our car journey, she placed the phone on her lap and starts to tap on the back of it while mumbling a song. That's what I guess - a song. It took me around 45 minutes to reach her penthouse in while she asleep in the car.

Turning off the engine, I walked out of the car and marched towards her side. Opening the door, I grab her belongings and then I lift her up in my arms and to my response she encircles her arms around my neck. Turning around I rushed towards the elevator.

I stretched my hand; which was below her knees, as much possible and pressed the floor button as we entered the elevator. I looked down at her face which was perfectly hidden in my chest and I couldn't help but to place some tender kisses on her temple.

She's an addiction.

The elevator door opens with a ting sound and I walked out of it. Turning my head to all around, I looked for penthouse; there were 4 penthouse on the same floor.

Are her neighbour boys? Because I saw some beer bottles out of the main door. Which also means that's not her penthouse. There's only one door which has a cute dog sticker on it; it's hers.

I marched towards her door and slowly whispered "Siya we're home" and I got no response. I tried again and now it's my fifth time.

"Siya!" I screamed near her ear; not so loud. Ain't now way Im gonna hurt her with some stupid things, it's just for her to wake her up. She shifts in my arms with a sudden jolt and opens her eyes just to glare at me.

"Kya hua sone do na" she whined and again closes her eyes. I shook my head and again tried and this time she wakes up, she struggles in my hold so I put her down on her feet. She stumbled back; cause- her drinks.

"Open" I said and she gasped and palmed her mouth. Then it hits me, I pinched the bridge of my nose and tightly closed my eyes.

"Door. Siya. Door" I explained and looked at her. Dropping her hands she turned around and starts to unlock the door. To her privacy I didn't look at her lock as she opens it.

Swinging the door she steps inside; she can't even walk straight. Walking towards her I held her wrist and then lifts her in a swift motion.

"I can walk on my own" she whispered, holding the back of my neck. Her eyes roams all over my face; like she's searching for something. But what?

"I can see, how well you can walk on your own" I mocked her while walking towards her room. She giggled and pulls herself a little closer to me; our faces were now just inches apart.

Relax veer relax.

I reached at her bedroom door; there were only two rooms and the second one was far from the main hall, so that can't be hers.

I opened the door and I swear to god that I tried to concentrate really hard but she suddenly pecks my lips, making me loosen my hold on her.

Her nails dug on my shoulders as she was about to fall but I instantly hold her and then without sparing a glance at her, I put her down on her bed. Giving me a frustration look she stood on her knees and starts to unbutton the blazer.

As soon she removed the blazer, heat erupts in all over my body making me hard to breathe. My hand holds my tie, twisting it around my collar I loosened it. Her cleavage was showing; not much but enough to making it impossible for me to look away.

But I did, I looked away.

She throws the blazer on the floor and slumps on her bed while squeezing the pillow beneath her. Once she drifts into sleep, I pulled the duvet till her neck and turned off the lights.

I walked out of her room and turned towards the kitchen, where I drink almost three glass of water. I don't know but I suddenly feel too much thristy and the more I drink the more the thirst becomes.

At last gathering all my patience, I walked out of her penthouse and entered in the elevator. Making my way towards the parking, I settled down in my car and drove off to my house. It took me 1 hour to reach there.

I was so exhausted at this moment that I didn't even notice when I entered my room. Tossing my phone on the bed, I walked in the closet and picked out a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Taking a long half an hour shower, I finally jumps on my bed.

Pulling the duvet till my chest, I closed my eyes. And the kiss scene replayed and  that red-fucking-dress. Those scenes keep playing in my mind and at last I forced my mind to stop thinking about her, about the kiss and the ring.

Ring; engagement.

And I laughed again and again. I didn't take off the ring, rising my left hand I glanced at the ring; it's a diamond ring not a big diamond but enough to show everyone there their place. Her choices were good.

Hope she chose me too, i can be a good choice also but I want the permanent one.

i forced my mind to stop thinking and cuddled my pillow around me I squeezed it and rolls on my bed. At last I finally drifts into sleep.

'Veer, open the doorr' a manly voice came , refusing to respond it I turned my head to another side but again that voice came. I groaned in frustration and stoop up from the bed. Opening my eyes slowly, they got stuck at the wall clock.

It's still early to wake me up "veer open beta" mom's voice came from the other side, I walked towards the gate I opened it.

My eyes were still half opened but I can see that my dad, mom, chacha even chachi were standing there holding up their phones in their hands. Where dad pushes his phone in my hands, WhatsApp was opened in his phones screen.

"What?" I asked, looking at his face; which held a smile, moving my gaze from dad to mom to chacha and around everyone I noticed that everyone was smiling. Why?

"Look at the screen beta, humhare chehre pe nhi likha h" dad said while laughing and then the rest of them also starts to laugh.

I focused my attention to the screen and my eyes stuck at the text message.

"- I'm engaged dad!!" Ahaan's voice  whispered in my ear; he whispered the text in my ears, jerking my head towards him I saw him smiling like a five year kid whose parents finally allows  him to go out to play.

Shaking my head, I looked back at the screen and then my eyes catches the photo.

It's was mine and Siya's photo; which happens  to take by her. She was holding my hand in air while flaunting the ring in my hand, her face holds up a proud smile. As If she wins a first place in a running race.

It was surprisingly a good photo but wait, this shouldn't be here in my dad WhatsApp. And who send this, for sure it's not me as far as I remember. Then who?

Dad took his phone back and I face palmed myself, remembering every detail about yesternights mess; her funny talks, her engagement ring, her taking photos, then those old couple and then my phone in her hands.

So this whole mess was created by a small mess-kitten-creator.

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