
is it just an attraction that i feel for her?

Because all I want is to see her; how her hazel-brown eyes sparks whenever she admire something, how cutely her nose scrunch every time she doesn't understand anything, how her lips forms a little pout whenever she gets a little embarrassed or how her face softens whenever she saw cats and dogs. I guess it's a never ending list for me.

So I guess it's not just an attraction which I feel for her, it's above attraction.

Then is it love?

"Sir we have arrived" Avinash informed me and brings me back from my thoughts. Giving him a nod, I shut my phone screen off as I was staring at her picture.


It's been two days since we have talked; two damn days feeling embarrassed by saying don't wear red, two damn days of not calling her again and I know she must be angry at me.

Avinash stepped out of the car and walks to my side door and opens it, the voice of camera flash reached to my ears. Stepping my right leg out, I stepped out of the car while buttoning my blazer's front button.

For tonight I wore my black Emporio Armani suit with a black tie, my hairs were perfectly done with the help of little bit gel.

The sound of flashes increased as I start walking towards the entrance, I turned a little bit just to give those cameramen's a better excess for pictures. After that I walked in the club.

I do want to pick up her but after our call, she texted me the next a day saying 'there's no need to pick me up, I'll be there on my own'. So instead of arguing with her I just replied her back with a 'okay'.

In front of the entrance, some men's in black suits were standing, giving me a small bow they stand straight again. As I enter, I saw many people standing there talking to each other as there is still some time for the ceremony starting.

"Mr.Oberoi" an amused voice came, I turned around to see. An old man maybe in his fifties walks towards me, his face looks amazed and there's a slight smile on his face.

"He's Heath Martin, CEO of state and funds. Also he was our business partner in our project mag— Avinash stoped whispering me as I glared at him.

"I already know that" I mouthed it to him, giving me a small smile he murmured "I thought you forgot" and I rolled my eyes at him.

"How could you think I forgot him?" I questioned in the small level of voice; which can only be heard by him. He chuckled nervously and shakes his head, indicating me to look back. I turned around and saw Heath was standing in front of me, holding a glass of wine in his hand.

"Mr.Martin, c'est tellement agréable de te voir ici" I said in a tone of amusement while holding his other hand with my both hands.

[ it's so nice to see you here]

He's a nice guy, a well known person in his country. Last year we did a project together and it was a huge hit. As for the language he does understands English but he prefer French more and I learned French in my college days as a hobby; never knew it can be beneficial to me.

"oh, c'est un plaisir de venir ici et j'ai aussi quelqu'un de spécial à vous présenter" he replied and turned around to say something to the man who was standing beside him.

[oh its my pleasure to come here and also i have someone special to introduce to you]

Frowning my brows together, I looked at Avinash who just shudder his shoulders; saying he didn't know anything. I turned back just to see a lady in a red dress standing just beside Heath, she looks young maybe in her mid-twenties.

"c'est Élise ma fille" he said, placing his free hand on her shoulder. She was looking down at her feet's; indicating that she's nervous while playing with her finger rings.

[ she's Élise my daughter]

"c'est un plaisir de te rencontrer Élise" I said with a smile on my face, while a man about my age comes from behind and stands beside me.

[it's so nice to meet you Élise]

Slowly she lifts her face and looks at me and then smiles, offering her left hand she muttered in a low voice "moi aussi et je voulais te rencontrer depuis longtemps" I took her offered hand and replied her with 'nice to hear this'.

[me too And I've been wanting to meet you for a long time]

Heath tells me how Élise joins his company as a mere employee rather than becoming a CEO just  because he's her father. Also how hardworking she is. After introducing her, Heath went back to his friends leaving me behind with Élise and that man. While Avinash just stands beside me.

Élise is 26 years old with blonde hair; sharp facial features and a pretty nice height. But she's nothing compares to my Siya. Besides her that man who comes after sometimes; Élise told me that's he's her friend and also her business partner, his name was Enzo.

After some time of talking about some business related stuff, Enzo's voice captured my attention as he interrupts me by asking "qui est cet homme de beauté" while jerking his hand towards the entrance.

[who's that beauty man]

I turned my head around and my breath caught in my throat as I saw her stepping out of her car, it was all normal until my gaze moves to her dress.


A fucking Red dress; which was enhancing her curves even more and making them more attractive, her slender neck were comes in my view just like an exclusive show piece in her off shoulder dress and it's fucking tempting.

Her hairs cascades till her waist as she left them open. The camera flashes gleamed in her eyes which makes her eyes shine even more. she wore a fucking red lipstick  and I clench my fist just by viewing her.

She looks like a goddess.

She lifts her head and her hazel brown eyes meet my black orbs. I feel something stuck in my throat but then "mon amour" these words came out itself from my mouth.

[my love]

Sound of throat cleaning brings me back from my thoughts, I turned around just to see Avinash looking at me with a slight smirk on his face; he's getting too much comfortable with me as days were passing.

"She's my girlfriend, Passe une excellente nuit" I announced just then I saw a man standing close to her, he said something to her to which she replied while smiling. 

[have a great night]

I glared at the man whose eyes meets mine for a moment; they were blue in colour. Feeling a little pang of jealousy I marched towards them.

My heart was beating really fast as I starts walking towards her. I can hardly get to hear anything else except my heartbeats; they are increasing rapidly. My fists were clenched and my face held up a smile.

In a swift motion, I reached near her and placed my one hand on her waist pulling her little closer. As soon as my hand touched her she lifts her pretty face and glares at me.

She tried to free herself by throwing daggers at me from her deep ocean eyes; telling me to release her but the only thing she gets in response is my hold on her waist tightened even more. She looked around and then turned again to face me.

Her eyes relaxed a little and meets mine, giving her a charming smile, I leaned closer to her ear and whispered in a low voice

"Relax, we're a couple remember" and she rolled her eyes at me, I pull her even closer by her waist which led to clash her head lightly on my left side of chest. She closed her eyes for a bit and then gazed at me.

Did she heard my abnormal heartbeats? Which is caused by her.

She removes her eyes from me and smiled at the cameras; I did the same. After the pictures we both moved towards the gate with my hand still on her waist and that blue eyed guy followed us behind.

As we entered, she turned around and freed herself, looking directly in my eyes she queried "what was all that Veer?" A smirk glides on the corner of my lips as she called me by my name.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned back while air quoting that word; even though I know what she meant by that.

"That" she said while pointing her fingers on my back side, from where we came from just now. Her brows knitted in some sort of confusion and her eyes were still throwing daggers on me.

I was about say just when Élise's friend's Voice interrupts us "désolé de vous interrompre, je veux juste la rencontrer" I scoffed at his words and looked at his direction.

[sorry to interrupt, i just want to meet her]

This bastard.

Coming forward he stands in front of her and smiles. Siya's eyes were glued to his actions as he slowly takes her one hand and muttered in a low voice "irréelle" and leans to place a kiss on the back of her hand.


But before he could kiss her hand, I took Sia's hand from him and kissed her hand instead of him. Her eyes go wide as she felt my kiss on her hand.

"je sais qu'elle est irréelle mais elle est à moi donc tu ferais mieux de connaître tes limites, hm Enzo?" I snapped at him while pulling her closer again by her waist, due to my sudden action her hand grips my arm and she balanced herself.

[i know she's unreal but she's mine so you better know your limits, hm Enzo?]

"ok mec" he responds with a chuckle, throwing his hands up he walked out of my sight.

[okay man]

"What did you said to him?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest due to which her chest puffed out a little more. I choked on air and quickly jerked my head sideways, my fists clenched tightly.

Fucking tempting.

I started to look everywhere but her, noticing that people were going inside the hall. Releasing a deep breath, I glanced at her for once and then informed her in a low voice

"The ceremony has started, let's go hm?" Avoiding her previous question, I offered her my hand. At first she hesitates but takes it in the end.

"Being a gentleman huh" she murmured and lift her head up as we entered the hall. The cold winds blows out; there's an air-conditioner just above the gate. I instantly placed my free hand above her head as the speed of air was too much; can ruin her hairs.

A butler walks towards us and Avinash shows him the invitation. Smiling at us the butler starts walking ahead to shows us our seats.

In while Siya was fixing her hairs while walking, a low chuckle escaped from my mouth as I see her annoyed face. I moved my hand to fix her hairs from the back but she suddenly stopped and turns back to look at me.

I smiled and tuck the loose strands of her hairs behind her ear, leaning enough close to her ear I whispered in a husky tone 

"I'm a gentleman Siya and yes. Only for you" her cheeks flushed and she looked away.

Oh my kitten.

"L-let's go it's going to start now" she said while rubbing her hands on her arms; cold atmosphere. My hands reached at the front of my blazer but stopped as she added "and yes no touching from now, Veer" the only response I could give her is just a nod with a slight smile.

But how can I let her feel cold?

So as soon she starts walking ahead, I slowly removed my blazer and put it on her shoulders. She turned backwards and looked directly in my eyes. I just shrugged my shoulders and replied to her

"You said no touching and see I'm not touching you, it's just my blazer" she rolled her eyes and just walked towards our seats.

Our seats were at the front; there's plenty of round tables here each one consists 4 chairs. We reaches to our table, our name plates were placed there.

Siya took a seat beside me and Avinash and that blue eyed man; which was suppose to be her PA, sits across us. My eyes stuck on him as he again whisper something in her ear.

Why talk so much? Can't he just sit there and fucking watch the ceremony silently.

I cleared my throat and now her attention was on the stage. As the anchor starts the ceremony, at first she starts to introduce herself and then the rest of her team. After some time the first few pieces were sold off. 

But nothing catches her eyes as I was staring at her; the whole time in case she likes something. The anchors voice reached my ears as she announced

"The next item is 'the painting of love: the desire' will be starts at five thousand dollars" I turned around to see the painting; In that painting a boy and a girl were kissing in the rain while holding an umbrella, the scenery was appreciable as how those two were looking madly in love with each other.

Shifting my gaze from the stage to Siya, I saw some sparks gleaming in her eyes as she was looking at the painting.

I shifted a little towards her and whispered "liked that?" turning her gaze from the painting to towards me, she nods her head and again moved them back to the painting. I suppress my laugh at her adorable behaviour.

"Anyone above six thousand dollars?" the anchor speaks through the mic, without even thinking I raised my hand to bid the price.

"Mr.Oberoi bid for the highest price, anyone else?" she asked again while roaming her eyes everywhere in the hall. Having no response she announced

"And it's sold" sound of clapping echoed and Siya looks at me while narrowing her eyes at me, shrugging my shoulders I mouthed "what, I also liked it" to her to which she lifts her brows in amusement.

I chuckled at her expression and leaned back on my chair. I feel a tap on my shoulder, turning my head I looked at to see Avinash he was standing behind me, leaning closer he said "I'll go and check on the remaining details" I nod in response and he walked towards the cabin.

Time passed and many more paintings and stuffs sold out but then again nothing catches her eyes like the previous one, so we just talked a little bit about our deal.

Precisely she kept talking about her upcoming projects and I was just listening to her. Her face lifts up as she starts talking about her dream of joining the club.

She's adorable.

But there were some moments where she suddenly leaned too much which makes me to clench my fists tightly.

How can someone be adorable and fucking hot at the same time?

At last the blue eyed guy informed us that the dinner has started, so we walked out the hall and entered the dinning hall. Just like the auction hall the sitting arrangement was the same ones they used there.

Even though I never came here, but do know everything about here; how things work here, how many peoples were in the club and all.

Siya sits beside me while removing my blazer, she put it on the back of her chair and straightens up to look around her. Her eyes moves at every corner of the hall and then stuck at me; not on me but behind me.

I turned back to see who's the lucky person was that she was looking at and to my surprise it was Élise who was sitting just behind me; looking at me.

"On se revoit" she muttered and then moves her gaze towards Siya, waving at her she asked me " est-elle ta petite amie"

[we met again]      [is she your girlfriend?]

"heureusement oui"I answered with a smile and swiftly moved my attention back to Siya, who's looking at me with a wired expression. I shrugged and tell her 'it's nothing' nodding at me, we both eat our dinner in peace.

[fortunately yes]

After our dinner, some ladies dragged Siya with them; they told her they want to talk to her because  she was their role model. After that it's been thirty minutes since she was gone with those ladies, I did saw her talking to them and to my surprise she was talking to them comfortably.

while me, Avinash and that blue eyed guy talked to each other standing in front of bar. The blue eyed guy told me his name after sometime; Ivan Kapoor.

I glanced at my watch; it's past 10pm now. I decided to find Siya as she was nowhere to be found right now in this whole hall which was fulled with crowd. Excusing myself from Avinash and Ivan, I walked out of the bar area.

Suddenly the song changed from classical jazz to romantic one, making me stop at my place which was supposed to be the centre of the hall, I looked around to see that even the lights were now is in light pink and golden shades making the hall look a romantic place.

Few couple emerges from the crowd and starts dancing, I moved further but then someone taps on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Dansons ensemble?" Élise asked me while extending her hand and my eyes snapped between her hand and her face.

[lets dance together?]

I smiled and replied "je danserai mais avec ma dame" in a polite way. And turned around just when I saw Siya, she's walking furiously towards me. A smile glides over my lips as I saw her, I turned and said "je dois y aller maintenant" and she nods.

[I will dance but with my lady]  [gotta go now]

As soon as I turned backwards, my feet's immediately went back with a force which I felt and suddenly a pair of hands held back of my neck and pulls me forwards, then a soft lips smashed Against mines. My eyes widened as I see the person who was kissing me.


She's not moving from her place but her lips were doing their work effortlessly, I felt her lips parting against mines and she sucked them into her mouth for once. I'm on my edge to loose my control and to devour her lips, lifting my left hand I grabbed her nape and pulls her backwards. I requested her in a low voice

"Don't ever do that again" she looked at me, she looked drunk at this point. Without listening to her blabbering I held her wrist lightly and dragged her with me while taking small steps; cause she was wearing heels.

We reached at the hallway, then suddenly she scoffed and muttered "why can't handle this much" I stopped and pins her against the nearest wall, caging her between my arms, I slowly leaned forwards and whispered in a husky tone

"Trust me Jaan if I lose my control you won't able to handle it" bringing my face closer to hers, I glanced at it; her doe eyes, her flushed cheeks with the tint of red colour and her lipstick which now smudged all over her lips. Then Suddenly she starts hiccuping making this situation even worse.

Cause it's fucking tempting.

I don't understands whose fault is it?

Is it her red dress? Is it her red lipstick? Is it her red tinted cheeks? Or is it the tension between us which is now growing rapidly with my heartbeats.

Fuck this tension.

One moment I was thinking and second my lips clashed on hers and starts to devour her. My one hands slides from the wall to her waist pulling her even closer till our fronts were pressed with each other, while the other one holds her nape. My lips started to suck on her lips, her heads started to fall backwards but my hands holds on her.

Suddenly a low moan slips from her mouth and I got my senses back. Pulling away from her, I pressed my forehead against hers. We both were panting as we ran out of breath just with a slight kiss.

This isn't right, she wasn't in love with me; yet. Also she's drunk.

"Never do that again, got it?" I asked again, her eyes weren't looking in mines but still she nods her head.

"Words. Siya, I'm not asking it again" I demand because, it temps me to death while seeing her nod.

"O-okay" she murmured and her voice was barely enough to listen. 'Okay' I repeated and take few steps back, her eyes were glued down to the floor. I held her hand and starts to walk out of the hallway but i felt sudden jerk and I immediately looked back only to witness her falling down on the floor; she stuck her leg on her dress.

A chuckle erupted but it disappeared soon as she glared at me with her teary eyes, her lips forms a cute pout as she glared. I shook my head and bend down to her level.

"Let's get this princess home, shall we?" I asked while controlling my laughter, she nods and spreads her arms.

A piggy ride again?; she asked me this same thing on that night also and yeah she tripped over that night also. The situation was very similar to be precise.

Releasing a low sign, I placed my one hand below her knees and the other one behind her small back and then lifts her in a swift motion.

"No rides in this dress" I added while walking towards the exit. Placing her head comfortably on my shoulder, she encircles her hands around my neck and slowly sleeps away.

This is going to be a pretty fucked up night for me.

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