
"Today three dead bodies were found in the this lake" reporter said while showing the lake, I turned up the volume. Leaning against the couch, I started to drink my coffee.

It's been three days since siya left  from here in the morning without even saying a word, that time i couldn't help but let out my laugh. Which I have been holding since that time.

I didn't contact her till now. I'm just giving her some time. God knows why.

I literally ran down the stairs to stop her, but she just went away. I understand she must be embarrassed if she remembered how she reacted.

I even read that article, which states that me and her were dating with some pictures of us. Well It's a good sign, I guess.

"After confirming their identities, it was revealed that those men's were members of the group of human trafficking. But who killed them?" the reporter said, bringing me back from my thoughts. I looked at the screen which shows those fuckers faces.

Honestly I didn't plan to kill them.

But did it eventually.

Not my fault.

because after knowing that they were involved in human trafficking just boiled my blood, which I got to know from Avinash as he search for their identities.

I just couldn't control myself from shooting them on their fucking heads. They deserve it.

And thinking about what would have happened if i was not there just scared me to the dead. Losing her means losing my breath, my heart, my entire self and that is something I can't afford to loose.

I finished my coffee and got up from the couch, moving towards the kitchen my sight fell on Bella. My cute little feisty cat, I still remember when I first bought her here.

As usual she rolling herself on the floor while meowing. Shifting my gaze to her right side, a small smile erupt on my lips as I saw that food can, which seems to be put there by Siya.

I moved towards her, placing my cup on the ground as  I sat down. Holding her in my hands, I bought her closer to my face and starts glancing at her features. 

Big eyes, small pink nose and that mouth of hers which contains pretty dangerous teeth's. 

Lifting her paws she starts to scratch my hands while meowing in anger. She doesn't like too much touch so I just slowly put her down. As soon as she gets her feet's on the floor she jumps on me and starts stomping her paws on my legs.

"Oh bell don't act like her, she is the real feisty one" I said while chuckling. I hold her again and put her down.

I stood up and rushed to my room while bell follows me as usual. She always follows me wherever I go. Still fights with me whenever I tried to touch her.

I went to my closet and picked up my clothes. Moving into the washroom I took a long warm shower.

Wrapping a towel around my waist I walked out of the shower, standing in front of mirror I started to damp my wet hairs with the other towel. 

Throwing the towel aside, I changed into my clothes. Basically white shirt and black jeans.

After that I walked to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast for me. I sat on the bar table near the kitchen island and starts eating my food, while scrolling through the articles.

A notification popped up on my phone, it's from Avinash. I clicked on it.


Sir should I arrange the media for those dating rumours?



I instantly shook my head and replied to him. Why would I deny that we are not dating, that would be so stupid. Placing my phone on the counter I start digging my food. 

Again another message popped up. 


You sure sir? I mean... actually some reporters are there.


Just send them back. And yes I'm 100% sure.

It's been almost 4 years since Avinash was working with me. He's a hardworking man full of dedication. No doubt he's handsome as well, I happened to hear some gossip about him from female workers. They drool over him.

We did share some sort of friendship with each other but not on that level. Sometimes he shares about his family like when her sister got engaged or about his father's Health condition. I also share sometimes with him more like he helps me with those blind dates, which I'm grateful for him.

That night also, he helps me with those fuckers body. We manipulate the whole scene and made it look like a normal suicide attempt, which police was not able to understand till now.

I shut my phone and stuffed it in my pocket. I ate my breakfast in silence after that, I stood up and place my bowl in the sink. Washing my hands I fill Bella's water bowl and food one.

Moving towards the living room, I grab my keys and moved out of the penthouse towards the parking. But as soon as I went into the reception area, I saw some reporters who were siting in the waiting lounge.

Well it's not new to me, they were always here.

I pull out my phone and place it near my ear, pretending to be on a call. I rushed towards the exits, carefully not to be caught by them. Successfully I made it!

My car was already parked at the front of the entry doors, I settled in my car and starts it. After taking a right cut I made it to the main road. 

It took me 30min to reach my office, I parked my car and went into the elevator. Doors open and as usual Avinash was standing there with some files. 

He greet me and I did the same. I walked out and moved towards my cabin. 

I could still hear whispering around me as I'm walking in the hallway. Avinash walks just behind me, ignoring those whispers just like me.

I still wonder if he already had a girlfriend because I never saw him talking to any female worker around here. Yet he's always checks his phone time to time, like waiting for someone's message or call. Suspicious.

Forgot it. Let's focus on the main thing.

Siya and how to meet her again.

Avinash opens the door for me, I walked in and just when my sight fell on a familiar figure standing near my desk.

Her back was facing me but in no time she turned around. Shanaya. As she saw me, she takes little steps towards me.

Standing in front of me just one or two steps away, she glared at me. Her face was full anger. knitted her brows she asked

"Whatever is in the news and in the articles, is it all true?" She's always been like that, I never gave her hope still she thinks we have a thing together.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, to divert the topic as I'm in no mood to argue with her.

"Just answer my question Veer, is that all true? You're dating that bit— 

"Dare to complete your sentence Shanaya" I cut her off. The urge to throw her out of here is on its peek. But I wouldn't do that.

"So you're really dating her" she said in a mocking tone. I couldn't said anything as she said

"Fine, date her and I'll make sure she will never be happy with you" taking another step towards me, raising her left hand she pokes her finger on my chest. "Cause you're mi- 

I jerked her hand and grabbed her wrist, I turned around and dragged her with me. Taking long enough steps, I opened the door and turned her forwards outside the door.

She glared at me while holding her wrist. Releasing a deep breath I said 

"I was never yours and I will never be, Shanaya" my face shows no emotion at this time. She scoffs and turned around, not before mouthed 'fuck you' to me.

I closed the door and moved my legs towards my chair. I sat on it, leaning against it I closed my eyes. After few minutes I straighten up myself and slowly starts to work. 

There are plenty of files here, which screams my attention.

Even though I'm working now but my minds keep drifting towards Siya, when will she contact me about the rumours? Or Should I contact her first?

I was signing some documents just when something clicks on my mind. Spinning the pen between my fingers, I grab the landline and called Avinash.

"In my cabin, right now" I said placing the landline phone back to its place, I leaned on my chair and closed my eyes. The pen in between my fingers keeps spinning, while a smile tugs on my lips.

A knock interrupts me "come in" I said.

Avinash enter the cabin and stands in front of my desk. Looking directly in my eyes he lifts his brows as asking me why did I call him.

"Do we still have that invitation? From that club?" I asked him, his brows knitted in confusion.

I know why.

I have been getting invitations from 1billion club for many years now, yet I decline them. Even though my company ranks on the 3rd place in worldwide, I didn't bother to go in their parties.

They held auctions once in a year and it held for almost 4-5 days every year. I have no interest in going there, you basically have to have a date for that.

It's not like I don't have one, it's just I don't have that one by that time.

"Yes sir" he replied with a nod, a small smirk glides over my lips as I asked him

"Okay, find me Siya's contact info" i straightens up from my chair and stands in front of him. he keeps his gaze on me as I lightly Pat his shoulders and gestured him to walk away. Giving me a small nod he left.

I walked towards the couch which seems to be placed in front of my desk, I sat down. Taking my phone from my pocket I opened my gallery.

Scrolling further I tap on her picture, this one is new. Basically the paparazzi one. A smile appears on my face as I saw both of us in the same picture, her in my arms peacefully sleeping.

I still remember that time when I first saw her. No doubt she still the same, feisty type.

I was keep staring at her picture and now it's been 15 minutes since I told Avinash to fetch her contact info. I stood up from the couch but instantly sat down again as I saw Avinash's message pops up on my screen.

I clicked on it, he send me her contact number which I immediately saved.

clicking on her profile, I saw her profile picture. 

She was wearing a sky blue Anarkali suit with open hairs while flexing her soft beauty features along with her whiteish skin.

She's a goddess which happens to tied with a devoter like me.

Opening the message I typed in, my thumbs were doing there don't-know-what-to-do dance while my brows were knitted in confusion for what should I write. 

Finally after 10 whole damn minutes, I clicked on the send button.


I happen to have an invitation for the 1billion auction ceremony and I thought it would be great time for the deal discussion.

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