
My head is hurting so freaking much.

Closing my eyes tightly, I pulled the duvet and covered my head. Pressing my head with my hands, I groaned in frustration.

I felt some movements on the bed, but because of my head, i didn't bother look. My hands were still out of the duvet, cold air still lingering on my skin. Then I felt like someone was licking my left hand.

Oh Bruno! I nearly forgot him.

"Not now Bruno!" I said, while tugging my hands inside the duvet. Bruno climbed on my stomach but why does it feel so small and tiny?

"Bruno?" I asked. Taking my hands out and slowly takes them towards my stomach. Something fluffy comes in my contact. I start touching the whatever from its head to toe. Then a voice came


'Meow?? But Bruno is a dog, why would he meow?'

I instantly got up, the duvet fell from my face. Opening my eyes I saw a white cat, scratching the duvet with her paws. 

But a cat? Not Bruno? How?

Shaking my head I rubbed my eyes, I again looked at that fluffy creature. It's not my hallucination. It's a real cat! 

A sound of phone ringing comes and I looked around. It's not my room, where am I? 

My phone keeps buzzing, I toss the duvet and gently place the magical kitten on the bed.

I saw my phone on the couch across from the bed. Walking on my toes, I picked up my phone.

"Good morning mam, have you seen the news?" I glanced at my phone, it's a call from my PA.  His voice carries some nervousness.

"What news?" I whisper, while taking my purse in my hands. I turned to look around the room. It doesn't look like a kidnapper's room. then whose?

"I have sent you an article, please take a look at it" he said in a pleading tone, I hummed in response and cut the call. 

I start walking out of the room. I turned around and glanced at the white fluffy cat, who's now rolling on the bed.

She's cute.

But then again where am I? Maybe I slept in a hotel.

'Which hotel keeps a cat in their hotel room Siya?' My subconscious asked. I avoid them.

I opened the article and starts scrolling it, seeing the heading of it, I nearly sat on my knees in disbelief.

Me? dating Veer Singh Oberoi?? What a bullshit! 

I scrolled up and saw some pictures of us. One from the date and other....From the club! when did i meet him at the club?

I scrolled further and my fingers stop at a particular picture of us. Me in veer's arms!

I suddenly jumped out of fear as something touched my legs. I looked down to see that fluffy cat again. 

She's licking my legs and scratching my toes with her little paws. I bend to the cat's level and take her in my hands.

Giving me an innocent look, she meowed. Aww who's your cruel owner! She must be hungry.

Placing her down, I looked over to search some food. I spot a can of cat food on the kitchen counter. I rushed towards the counter and picked the can. I walked out of the kitchen, while opening the can.

I was about to put it down but a voice caught my attention. I turned around and saw another room. I placed the can down. Slowly getting up, I moved my legs towards the room. 

Standing in front of the door, I placed my hands on the wooden door and slowly bend to put my ears on the door.

"She must have woken up by now" a deep manly voice came from inside. She means me? Oh my godd! I gasped and put my palms on my mouth. 

I turned my heels and silently starts walking towards the main door. That's when a flash of memory interrupts me and making my legs to stop immediately.

Me on top of veer, exploring his naked chest. And we almost kissed? What the actual fuck I have done!

Stumbling on my legs, I rushed to the main door. Carefully opening it, I turned around to look. My eyes fell on the cat. Eating her food peacefully. 

I'm also hungry.

Shaking my unnecessary thoughts, I closed the door slowly. I rushed towards the lift. I stand in front of it, waiting for it to open while clutching my purse and phone in my hands.

Tick.tick.tick sound kept coming from the clock hanging on the wall just above the lift door.

Finally the doors open, I rushed inside the lift and press the ground floor button. Releasing a deep breath. I fixed my clothes and hairs a little bit. 

I was on the 20th floor when I entered the lift, now I'm on 18th. My headache kept increasing. I closed my eyes tightly and held my head with my hands.

That's when, all the memories of yesterday started coming to my mind.

The date. The company crisis. And the club. 

-y e s t e r d a y s   f l a s h b a c k- 

Author pov

Morning sunlight fell on Siya's eyes. Slowly she opens them. Grabbing her phone, she opened her emails. Suddenly she sat up and called her PA.

"What happened to our recent 2 deals?" She asked him, in a tone of anger.

"Ma-am those clients cancel our deals at the last moment" he said while shuttering. A wave of anger rushed through her as she yell at her PA for their mistakes.

After some time, her mind divert her to the date topic. An Idea pop into her mind. She called her PA and told him to make some contract paper and deliver them to her penthouse.

After that she rushed to the washroom and get ready. Walking out of her room, she saw Bruno patting him a little, she fed him some food.

Settling into her car, she starts driving towards the tropical restaurant for the date.

Her brain was still full of thought of her deals, which lead a big loss to her company. She's been working really hard for the company. Her dream is to join 1billion club at the end of next year's February.

1billion is a very big and lavish club, only for top businesses. It provides easy access to international market and deals. Joining this club was almost everyone's dream. Because of its unreal benefits.

It can easily make a person from a broker to a billionaire.

Reaching at her destination, she kept blabbing and practice her speech. Which she gonna present to veer.

She chose Veer for the deal because his company ranked on the 3rd position in the club. Worldwide. Having a contract with Veer's company can easily lift her stocks.

-time skip 

After her unexpected moment with veer, she rushed towards the washroom. Locking herself in one of the restroom. She exhale a deep breath. Her cheeks turn slightly pink. 

She attend her PA's call and tell him about the deal, to which his PA starts laughing nervously. He thought it was a joke when she said about the profit, veer has asked.

"Ma-am actually our stacks has been going down rapidly. And Mr.Malhotra asked you to come home" her PA said nervously.

She hummed in response, as she heard some footsteps. She got out of the restroom, and went towards her table.

After her little talk with veer, she stormed towards the parking. Getting inside her car, she called her PA and starts nagging him.

After releasing her frustration, her eyes meets veer's. Her heart skipped a beat. Cursing in a low voice, she drove off and reached at the Malhotra mansion.

She rushed towards her father's study room. Entering into the room she stands in front of her fathers desk, asked 

"Dad you called me?" Her dad sighed and said

"Yes, Now tell what are going to do with all this mess you have created" while moving his hand around, showing the articles.

"It's my business, I can take care of that" Siya said in a tone of disbelief and a little bit of frustration.

"I know you can and I'm assuming that you would sell your shares now. Am I correct?" Her father asked while settling on the couch.

Siya didn't answer and sat on the couch, opposite to her father. Her father grab some paper from the side table, placing them on the centre table. He gestured her to take a look at them.

She read those papers after reading them she throw them on the table and she asked her father 

"What's with this nonsense!" Her father shook his head and said

"It's not nonsense Siya, you signed them and now you forgot. If you want to save your company then just get married now" Siya was too stunned to reply, as she starts to remember her early 20s days. When she starts her company.

Her father made her signed a contract. Where she can't sell her company stocks until she gets married. 

Even though it's a toxic thing to do. But her father did this just to maintain her image In front of board members.

He thinks it will be a good thing to do, as the younger Siya used to spend a lot of money on useless stuffs.

Hearing his words she stormed out of the house. She went to her penthouse, and took a long cold shower. After that she gets ready in her mini black dress.

To ease her tension, she reached at the club. She doesn't have much friends, that's why she's all alone in the club.

She was enjoying her time, talking to the bartender. She was kind of regular there. After an hour, some guys approached her for drinks.

She declined them and asked the bartender for the last drink. Her phone buzzed, giving a small one-sec nod to the bartender she excuse herself. 

Her elder sister called her, she asked about her health and company. After 20-30 mins she reached back at her spot. The bartender gives her a fake smile. Which she detect instantly.

Ignoring him she sat on the bar stool, taking her drink, she starts drinking it. While drinking she starts scrolling her mails. Her frustration is on its peek. 

"What the hell is that!" She yells at the bartender cause her drink tastes different. He mumble a small sorry and offer her another drink.

After some time her head feels heavy. That's when she turned around, her eyes stuck at those men's who tried to approach her early. They were smirking at her, she realise that they spiked her drink.

Anger rushed through her as she stood up starts walking towards them, while passing she took a wine glass from the waiter.

Suddenly her head start spinning and she feels dizzy. Still she doesn't stop and walking towards them. Standing in front of them, she yell at them but those man's smirk grew bigger and they start coming forwards. Which made her walking backwards.

She yells at them and suddenly she lost her balance and fell backwards. She closed her eyes tightly, accepting her fate and waiting for the pain in her ass.

But it never came.

-f l a s h b a c k  e n d s -


A sound of elevator opening brings me back from my embarrassing flashbacks. I remembered everything.


Our bike ride, our small almost make-out moment and veer's last words keep playing in my ears. how can I be so naive. 

Stepping out of the elevator, I exited the building while giving a small smile to the receptionist. I booked a cab, while walking to the footpath. The cab will arrive in 5 minutes, so I have to wait another 5 minutes with my embarrassing memories.

The cab arrived on time, I was about to sit when a voice came from behind

"Siya!" It's him. My eyes widened hearing him. I didn't have the courage to look back, so I sat down inside the cab and shut the door hurriedly.

"Start the car" I said to the driver, saying a small 'okay mam' he starts the car and drove off. Releasing a relief sigh. I closed my eyes.

I tell the driver to stop by a medical store, so that I can buy some hangover drinks.

Fuck this hangover!

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